Legally Blonde the Musical

It’s easy to hate on a musical that opens with a number called “Omigod You Guys,” but at the same time… it takes some balls to open a musical with a number called “Omigod You Guys.” The 2001 box-office hit starring Reese Witherspoon could have been an awful, can’t-turn-away car-crash of pink flames and flirtini-flavored smoke. Instead, it dealt with the ditzy-blonde stereotype using a central character that both personified the stereotype and outmaneuvered it. Elle Woods graduates UCLA, goes to Harvard Law and cracks a murder case, but she remains a fuchsia-sweatered, chihuahua-toting little thing. The touring musical version of Legally Blonde retains its chick-flick charm and the storyline that may be a little dumb, but rarely vapid.

Tuesdays-Saturdays, 7:30 p.m.; Sun., Sept. 13, 1 N 6:30 p.m.; Sun., Sept. 20, 1 N 6:30 p.m. Starts: Sept. 8. Continues through Sept. 20, 2009

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