Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

Never pushing the envelope but rather holding it to an open flame, Hunter S. Thompson was the pioneer of a style he called “Gonzo” journalism. Thompson became the characters in the stories he covered—gun in hand, cigarette holder dangling from his lips. In his 67 years, Thompson had done it all—or at least wanted to die while trying. His journalism career had him running with the likes of Hells Angels, hippies, beatniks, rock stars and politicians on a sea of booze and drugs. He even trotted around with George McGovern on the campaign trail against Nixon in ’72 and dodged bloody police batons as young protestors were beaten on the streets of Chicago. He was so deeply troubled by the Bush administration, one could only wonder if his spirits would’ve been renewed seeing Obama. He became larger than life, a parody of himself, in a house full of guns and hangers-on until the party ended with a self-inflicted bullet to the head in 2005. Finally, the envelope catches fire and his spirit takes flight beyond that mysterious ledge. Come see the film dedicated to the one and only.

Tue., June 9, 7:30 p.m., 2009

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