Wearing a Yarmulke; really long weddings that involve breaking dishes; Bar Mitzvahs; Sabbath days; Passover and Hanukkah. Tradition. Emphasize that—tradition. Based on the book by Joseph Stein, Fiddler on the Roof takes a look at the life of a milkman named Tevye living in the village of Anatevka. Sacred traditions and values are slipping through his grasp, reflected in the lives of his five daughters. Why a fiddler on a roof? It’s a metaphor for the notion that even though life deals us aches and pains, survival can be found in the keeping of traditions. As far as the musical is concerned, Israeli actor Chaim Topol is the keeper of the long-time-running Fiddler tradition and has been playing the lead for decades. Come and enjoy, you will be a rich man—in spirit at least.
Tuesdays-Saturdays, 7:30 p.m. Starts: Aug. 11. Continues through Aug. 22, 2009