Christmas in Ireland

Internationally renowned Celtic folkies Danú travel across the pond this holiday to bring you the best in Gaelic traditional music and to educate you about what makes an Irish Christmas different from one in the States. For starters, kiddies don’t usually hang stockings, but instead leave pillowcases at the foot of their beds—and they get fruit and chocolate in them, not plastic machine guns and pole-dancing Barbie. There’s also the lovely tradition on St. Stephen’s Day (Dec. 26) when boys go from door to door carrying a fake wren on a stick, singing and playing instruments and asking for money for the wren, which is infinitely more interesting than Santa shaking a bell over a pot, though perhaps a bit less charitable. Come get a taste of traditional Irish Christmas music this Tuesday.

Tue., Dec. 1, 8 p.m., 2009

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