
We've all fantasized about marrying rich. Hell, this is Orange County, which means many of you reading this probably did. Congratulations! May your lucre-filled leisure time fulfill the part of your life that love and emotional connections normally would. We kid, we kid. Truth is, we're just jealous. For those of us who haven't yet found the right millionaire, Social Scene Magazine is offering a meet and greet for the rich and the stunningly beautiful poor people who love them. You've got to be either gorgeous or rich, so I guess we're going to have to try our luck in the South Coast Plaza parking lot like everyone else. But surely some of our readers qualify, right? Right? You get four minutes with each candidate, which doesn't seem like much time to get acquainted, but trust us . . . four minutes is plenty of time to see a bank statement.
Tue., April 1, 6:45 p.m., 2008

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