Boeing Boeing

A story about a lothario who’s stringing along three hot-to-trot foreign stewardesses who each think they’re his fiancée until a joint layover at his apartment is the Guinness Book of World Records’ “most performed French play” in the world? Heck yeah, stud! While it’s not hard to believe that thousands of male directors and audience members have flocked to this completely-delusional-unless-you’re-Warren Beatty masturbatory fantasy since its debut in 1960, what is actually hard to believe is that it’s still running—and that the only person of color on stage is still playing a maid. Of course, there can be a certain charm to historic misogyny and racism when it falls under the umbrellas of nostalgia or farce—or can reasonably be argued to be educational [insert Mad Men swoon here]—so don’t be such a bitch. Go check it out and see if that thing in your side all night is a misunderstood tickle or a calculated thorn.

Fridays-Sundays. Starts: Nov. 22. Continues through Dec. 7, 2013

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