Best Vietnamese Restaurant

In a county full of pho joints, Mai’s Kitchen stands out by cooking meals a typical Vietnamese mother would make. Skip past the noodles and appetizers and flip to the back of the menu, where it says, “Family Dinner.” This is where the good stuff is. Here, in a section with no English translations, there are dozens of home-style dishes to choose from, including simmered pork belly with hard-boiled eggs, catfish steaks glazed in a reduction of soy and fish sauces, and a tamarind-soured broth with chunks of pineapple and tomatoes. Pick among these options to build a communal feast that includes a soup, a vegetable dish and a protein, all served with a big pot of rice for a cost that’s cheaper than what you’d pay per person at Chili’s.

9039 Bolsa Ave., Ste. 101, Westminster, (714) 898-9889.

Readers’ Choice: LSXO

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