Best Southern California Approximation of UC Berkeley's Asian Ghetto

One block from UC Berkeley's campus sits a small plaza called Durant Square that's ringed by assorted restaurants. No one calls it “Durant Square,” though; it's better known as the Asian Ghetto because you can get Thai, Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese, Hong Kong, Chinese and Taiwanese food, all on the cheap. (Awkwardly enough, there's also a doughnut place.) Not to be beat, UC Irvine has its own Asian Ghetto, and in true Southern California fashion, it's actually a few minutes away by car, actually two parking lots instead of a plaza, and fancy as fuck. At the corner of Jeffrey and Walnut, you can get your fill of Sichuan, Japanese, Cantonese, Taiwanese, Thai, Indian and Korean cuisine. And, of course, you can stop by for some Weinerschnitzel, too.

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