Staring at stuff is a huge part of a pot enthusiast's day (we bet the tapestry industry singlehandedly owes its success to marijuana), and after a couple of months of enjoying green living, your local park or beach may not have the same smoky allure. So, light a joint (or two) and head to the Orange County Zoo at Irvine Regional Park. Most childless adults haven't been around undomesticated animals since their elementary-school years and could use a reintroduction to a wild-animal kingdom that exists outside of Interstate 405 traffic (Planet Earth doesn't count, stoner). The Orange County Zoo houses mountain lions, ocelots, porcupines, great horned owls and other creatures native to the Southwest U.S.—so sit back and marvel at the array of fur and feathers. And with all that the zoo offers, the surrounding public will be too engrossed by the black bear scratching its rear to notice you're giggling like a doofus. A mere $2 gets you into the zoo, but it'll cost you $3 to $5 to park.