Remember when everything was super-simple, the economy was booming, the colors loud, The Simpsons was awesome, and hipsters hadn’t discovered Santa Ana? That was the mid-1990s, of course, when a Clinton was in the White House, No Doubt were just about to explode, the easiest way to get porn was to unscramble the Spice channel, and AOL was still the way to get Internet. Only the important parts of that decade still exist in this ever-changing county of ours (Memphis Cafe, the Offspring, this infernal rag), but one can always reminisce about the past . . . with our blurbs on great bars, people, restaurants and shops accompanied by a retro photo shoot highlighting ravers, Goth kids, Clueless mavens and more! So behold the Best Of this county of ours—in non-POG form. Enjoy!