Though she has been on the radar of the kind of people who keep track of these things for several years—she's had productions at major theaters such as NYC's Public Theater and Playwrights Horizons, as well as South Coast Repertory in 2007 with The Piano Teacher—it was this world premiere at SCR that established Cho's credentials as one of the most brilliant lights in new American drama. The tale about a brilliant linguist incapable of communicating with his wife, his hopelessly in-love personal assistant and the eccentric Eastern European salt-of-the-earth duo who are the last speakers of a dying language was lyrical, funny, heart-wrenching and eminently entertaining. SCR absolutely adores writers who use language as well as Cho, so as long as she doesn't get gobbled up by writing for the idiot box (even great playwrights have to pay the bills), her words should be quite familiar on the county's most-prestigious stage for years to come.