Best Boiling Crab Imitator

Every entrepreneur wants to cash in on a craze. When it comes to Cajun-Vietnamese, it doesn't get any crazier than the Boiling Crab. It didn't invent the concept; it just made it popular—a two-hour-wait kind of popular. The formula for the food is simple, and thus easy to replicate. Take all manner of sea creatures, but particularly crawfish and shrimp, boil, then let marinate in a bag with melted butter, garlic and Cajun spices. When customers come in to eat this messy feast, tie a plastic lobster bib around their necks and ply them with beer. So far, among the many recent Boiling Crab imitators, only one has come close. The Kickin' Crab is a clone that talks and walks so much like the Boiling Crab it's close to infringement. If there is one difference, it's the one that matters: There is no wait. $$

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