Want to send a message to dad that you think he's a steroid-abusing drunk? Got twenty-five bucks? Boy, do we have the gift for you.
In the embarrassing tradition of John Cena valentine T-shirts for women, and “Get Lit for the Holidays” tees featuring the company logo in Christmas lights (yes, I'm the proud owner of that one), Vince McMahon's marketing gurus once again try to go the Hallmark route. So you have a T-shirt that says you're the WWE's best dad, and a six-pack cooler so you can get drunker than Stone Cold to celebrate that fact.
Listen, if I had a kid, I admit, I'd be prouder than hell to get this as a gift. But here's the problem: guys who wear wrestling T-shirts like this one have enough trouble getting dates, let alone having children. Trust me, I know.