OC Fair's Home Sweet Home theme carries an underlying bacon subtext. Don't believe us? No problem. We're gonna talk about it anyway. Meaty food porn explained after the jump, but first we start with these little piggies.
The All-Alaskan Pig Races occur every afternoon in a mini arena all their own. We can't explain the allure of watching oinksters waddle their way round and round, yet those stands are packed on the weekends! Children of all ages squeal for their favorite out of eight, and it's family fun. . . .right up until the end when they hand out bacon coupons from Ralph's.
“Buying local” is the new “Organic”– everyone's promoting it. At the fair, the home chef in all of us can seize the opportunity to go a step beyond the meat counter. It's called the Junior Livestock Auction, going on Saturday, July 21st. Youthful members of 4-H and Future Farmers of America (FFA) are given the opportunity to purchase one or more animals to raise. They are responsible for feeding, grooming and providing shelter to a range of animals (rabbits, goats, lambs, steer, poultry and hogs). Animals are tended to individually and exercised regularly in the county. Sounds like having their own concierge doctor.
The attention given to the animals is in preparation for a combination of the livestock auction and finding a place to crash during the week.The coolest part–by purchasing the animal at the Junior Livestock Auction, you will be supporting youth in these exceptional programs as well as making an investment towards the future of American Agriculture.
We saved the best for last. Are you ready for a Bacon A-Fair? We certainly are. For your chewing pleasure, we bring you two stars from OC Fair's newest food lineup. First up, the Caveman Turkey Club– one pound of bacon wrapped around an extra huge turkey leg, then left rotating over the grill (Take that, Ren Faires!). On the relatively lighter side is the Porkabello–Gouda-stuffed mushrooms wrapped in more strips of happiness. They even give you more smoked cheesiness to sprinkle on top.
Whatever your fancy, find it at the fair!
What's a Super Pass? We didn't know, either. For $25 (youth to age 12) to $35 (ages 13-59), super purchasers will enjoy admission every day of the fair. That's 23 days of deep fried meals, rides that fold up and trick carnival games. There's also 2-for-1 Terrace seating to select concerts inside Pacific Amphitheatre (Weird Al!). Their version of FastPass is Express entry at all Fair gates, also included. And there's a couponer's friend, the Carnival value book. Now if only it included parking . . . .
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A contributing writer for OC Weekly, Anne Marie freelances for multiple online and print publications, and guest judges for culinary competitions. A Bay Area transplant, she graduated with a degree in Hospitality Management from Cal Poly Pomona. Find her on Instagram as brekkiefan.
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