Babies and Belly Laughs

One of the worst things in the world is having to feign interest while ingesting stories about other people's kids. The listener's face always reverts to the classic wide-eyed fake smile with the occasional sputtering of a “that's so cute!” thrown in for good measure. Unfortunately, society considers it rude to acknowledge these stories for what they are: crap in which only immediate family would be interested. Occasionally though, the storytellers have a certain charisma that makes these tales of poopie diapers and stupid antics bearable and even-gasp!-humorous. Luckily, Vicki Barbolak, Cindy Burns, Frances Dilorinzo, Lola Gillebaard and Julie Kidd are some Orange County ladies bucking the boring stereotype and showcasing their comedic chops in stand-up routines poking fun at their cleaning, cooking and child rearing lifestyles. Check them out and have yourself a chuckle. You wouldn't want society to think you were rude.
Tue., Aug. 19, 8 p.m., 2008

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