Ask Willie D: The Dude I'm Dating Doesn't Know I'm a Man. Help!

[Editor's note: Rap pioneer and Geto Boys member Willie D answers reader questions for our sister paper, Houston Press. Something on your mind? Ask Willie D!]



Dear Willie D:

I've been seeing this guy I met through mutual friends for about a year now. We're sort of undercover — none of our friends know about us. We go out, have a great time, and spend a good amount of time together, but when I bring up taking things to the next level he says he's not ready for a commitment. It's safe to say I've developed real feelings for him.

Recently I asked him again to commit and demanded a real reason why he couldn't, and he said he can't have a girlfriend right now because he doesn't have a stable job. I tried to tell him that wasn't important to me but he insists that it's important to him. But now I'm starting to think maybe he's using me or worse, he's embarrassed of me. What do you think?


Undercover Lover:

People grow at different rates. Just because he's not ready to go all-in on a relationship at the moment doesn't mean he's using you or is embarrassed by you. Never pressure a person to commit to you in a relationship. Each time you bring up the topic, it will only annoy him and make you seem desperate. If you use arm-twisting tactics to coerce him into a relationship and he isn't ready he will resent you later.

Money is an important component in a relationship. Perhaps he's seen how being financially unstable can ruin a relationship, and he wants to make sure he's achieved a certain level of success before committing so he doesn't have that problem. Continue to be your wonderful self and if it's meant to be, eventually he will take notice and commit. If not, the sea is full of fish waiting to be caught; you just have to use the right bait.


Dear Willie D:

I met a wonderful man on Facebook and we have been dating online for over two years now. We talk about everything, but he doesn't know I'm a man. My profile picture and photos are of an attractive random woman I found online. He has sent me nude pictures of himself and everything. My profile pictures are provocative, so when he asks me to send him nude pictures, I get around it by telling him I will show him the rest when that time comes.

He is a great boyfriend. Each year I receive flowers from him on my birthday and Valentine's Day. I have the flowers sent to a mailbox with a physical address so it looks real instead of like a P.O. Box. I want to reveal my secret but can't bring myself to do it because I know, not only will it crush him, he will hate my guts, and I will never hear from my friend again.

I spend countless nights crying about this. Is there any way to salvage the relationship and win his trust?

Fake Mate:

Your “boyfriend” thinks you're a woman but you're a man. That just about kills the whole relationship-trust thing.

More questions for Willie D on the next page.


Dear Willie D:

My stepdad asked if he could come stay with me for a couple of weeks till he could get on his feet. I said OK, but it's been four months and he's still here. Not only that, he also moved his three young children in one day while I was at work. He's not working or even trying to find work. I told him he has one month to figure out what he's going to do, then he has to go, but he still sits around every day doing nothing.

I have a heart and don't want to see the kids on the street, but I can't afford them anymore. I am a single mother with children of my own. Please help!

Single Mother:

Stick to your move-out date. If you have to, change the locks. Your stepfather is a bum and bums don't stop leeching voluntarily. You have to cut them off.

I have a heart too, but I also have a brain. When I walked into my house and saw those three kids, my heart would have said, “Awww, they're so precious.” But my brain would have said, “OK, all y'all stand up. I don't know where you're going, but you got to get the hell up out of here!”

Your stepfather and his kids are not your responsibility and you are not running a homeless shelter. Kick them out.


Dear Willie D:

I've been a big fan of your music, both solo and with the Geto Boys, for a long time now. I've always admired your rapping ability because I feel like your words are more heartfelt and realer than any other rapper's out there.

Since the Geto Boys are my favorite group and I have been so influenced by you guys I was thinking of making my first tattoo say “Geto Boys For Life.” I was just wondering what you think and if I have your approval?

Loyal Fan:

It couldn't have been more than ten minutes ago that I was admiring a photo my buddy Mike Judge posted on Twitter of a character from his film Idiocracy, tatted on the arm of a fan. So yeah, you're good. I'm honored.

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