Have you ever stood up in a restaurant and, in recognition of an amazing dinner, smashed your plate on the ground? Have you ever dipped fresh pita into hummus with a bit of olive oil drenched on the top? Or, better yet, have you ever danced to Greek music with such abandon that only baklava could make you stop? Well, if you said no to any of these, then you need to head to the 34th Annual Greek Festival this weekend. At St. Paul’s Greek Orthodox Church, find A Taste of Greece—a celebration with so much food, wine, Greek folk music and singing, you’ll think you’re in Mamma Mia! Plus, there are guided tours of the church, drawing and dancing lessons. Here’s to eating too much hummus and screaming “Opa!”
Fri., June 22; Sat., June 23; Sun., June 24, 2012
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