Zombies are going to be at the Huntington Beach Art Walk tonight–but don't worry, they're not eating your brains. They're just going to dance to Michael Jackson's “Thriller” with whoever else wants to join them.
A community flash mob will be performing a routine choreographed by students from the Huntington Beach Academy for the Performing Arts, so at 6:30 p.m., dancers will gnash and shuffle their way through the song at four locations: the Art Center, the parking lot of Electric Chair, the Main Street Fountain and at the Strand.
Afterward, students will also perform a
dramatic reading of “Night of the Living Dead.”
Kate Hoffman, executive director of the Art Center told the Register that their plan to conduct flash mobs “has gone kind of viral in the community.” If you want to be part of it, the dance routine is in the YouTube video above.
The flash mob schedule below:
6:30 p.m.: Dance and reading at the Art Center, 538 Main St.
7 p.m.: Dance and reading at Electric Chair, 410 Main St.
7:30 p.m.: Dance at the Main Street Fountain.
8 p.m.: Dance and reading at the Strand, 5th Street and Walnut
Avenue. The street will be closed for the performance.