Someone from the Chapman U Federalist Society asked that we notify our readers about the event we're going to notify you about in a couple secs. But, as we explained to the chap/chapette, we will not be able to notify readers in the print edition about this event because we got the notice from the Federalists a few minutes ago–and the hard copy this would appear in was printed the night before due to the early Best of OC deadlines. Of course, getting it to us Wednesday afternoon would be too late during a regular week as well. Remember, kiddies: two weeks before an event date. It's not like we sit around here, twiddling our thumbs, going, “Gee, wouldn't it be nice if someone would send us one more political-event notice so we can finish filling up our paper so we can take it to the printer?” Homey don't play that way.
Most weeks.
Here's that deal the Federalists–who we don't mean to disrespect; it's hard cranking out press releases long hand on parchment paper–wanted for you to know about:
This Friday: Proposition 90 Debate in Orange County
What: Symposium on eminent domain issues and DEBATE ON PROPOSITION 90 (initiative that would restrict eminent domain) . Free to general public. Attorneys may receive 3 CLE units for $15 ($10 for current Federalist Society members). Co-sponsored by Chapman University Federalist Society and Pacific Legal Foundation.
More information at PLF's website:
Where: Chapman Law School, Room 237, One University Drive, Orange, California 92866.
When: Friday, October 20 1:00 p.m.
Panel One: History of Eminent Domain and Current Controversies. 3:30 p.m.
Panel Two: DEBATE on Prop. 90, which, if passed, would restrict eminent domain and other regulation. “Yes on 90”: Assemblyman Ray Haynes, R-Riverside; Professor Gideon Kanner, Loyola Law School “No on 90”: Gary Patton, Planning and Conservation League; Ken MacVey, Best Best Krieger Moderator: Dave Stirling, Pacific Legal Foundation 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Reception.
You are invited to a discussion and debate on property rights and eminent domain this Friday afternoon, October 20, at Chapman University School of Law in Orange, California. Co-sponsored by PLF, the event is entitled, “Eminent Domain: An Imminent Danger?” Lead-off speaker will be PLF attorney Timothy Sandefur, whose new book, “Cornerstone of Liberty: Property Rights in 21st Century America,” has just been published by the Cato Institute. Another highlight will be a DEBATE on Proposition 90, the California statewide initiative that would bar eminent domain for private projects and impose other restrictions on land use regulations. David Stirling, PLF's vice president and a Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution, will moderate the debate. Speaking in support of Proposition 90 will be Assemblyman Ray Haynes, R-Riverside, and Loyola Law School Professor Gideon Kanner, one of the nation's leading authorities on property rights law. The “no” side will be represented by prominent eminent domain attorney Ken MacVey, and Gary Patton, executive director of the Planning and Conservation League. Along with Pacific Legal Foundation, the event is co-sponsored by the law firm of Nossaman Gunther Knox Elliot, and the Chapman University Federalist Society. Admission is free, but attorneys may receive three units of CLE credit for $15 ($10 for current Federalist Society members). The first presentation starts at 1:00 p.m.; the debate commences at 3:30 p.m.; and a cheese and wine reception follows at 5:00 p.m. Chapman University School of Law is at One University Drive, Orange CA 92866. For more information, visit PLF's website: For directions, visit Chapman's web page.

OC Weekly Editor-in-Chief Matt Coker has been engaging, enraging and entertaining readers of newspapers, magazines and websites for decades. He spent the first 13 years of his career in journalism at daily newspapers before “graduating” to OC Weekly in 1995 as the alternative newsweekly’s first calendar editor.