With New, Local Bassist, The Like Do The Unexpected and Play House Parties

L.A.'s the Like have just released a brand-new video, and it's nothing
like the old videos. In fact, it's nothing like the old Like, and it's
at least three planets away from the big-budget Busby Berkeley
routines of 2005's “What I Say And What I Mean.”

Chris Ziegler

Instead, the
no-budget “He's Not A Boy” puts the actual band into an actual bar
(Silverlake's Hyperion Tavern, sometime home of both Don Bolles and
Dam-Funk) with actual locals getting goofy to winning Pandoras-style
garage pop. (Frankie from Alex's soul club Secret Affair? Front and
center. Josh from Long Beach's Grand Elegance and L.A.'s Jail
? Pretty much the star!)

That's a just-about-total reconstruction for a band tipped to be a
major-label, next-big-thing five years ago–imagine if OK GO started
referencing Can and playing under the L.A. River brudge. It's an unexpected a left-turn–and that's thanks in part to the
salutary influence of new bassist Laena Geronimo.

You'll recognize her
from various bands who play various Long Beach/OC bars.
“I've been in The Like for about eight months,” says Laena. “The girls
are totally rad, but when I joined the band they were kinda out of
touch with a lot of the great local music that's just spilling out
into the streets of L.A. and Long Beach these days. That's where I
feel at home. I've played in a whole bunch of bands–the Starlite
, Devon Williams, Residual Echoes and lots more.

“Most of my
friends are in multiple bands and work at record stores. The musician
scene around here is very incestuous — which I think is awesome. People
who are passionate about music hang out and play with other people
that are passionate about music at places that revolve around being
passionate about music! You meet new really awesome people all the
time who have more in common with you than you would imagine.
I met these girls from the Like and we met each others' friends and
everyone's friends now.

“We took my buddy Frankie to SXSW with us as
our tour manager, and my long time friend Josh is the lead in our
music video. When the band was fully formed and ready to play some
shows, they gave me the greenlight to book some stuff around
town–stuff they would never have really done before–and they're having
the best time! We've played at Alex's Bar, The Prospector, the Smell
and some house parties. Playing these places is just so fun and real
and what music is all about at the core of it. Just doing it because
you love it. And because having a good time with a room full of people
is the best thing ever. That's what the 'He's Not A Boy' video is all

The Like perform at the Glass House, 200 W 2nd St., Pomona, (909) 865-3802, Saturday,  May 8, 6:30 p.m., $8 at the FYF FAN APPRECIATION SHOW with Fucked Up, The Strange Boys, Abe Vigoda, and more.

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