The Los Angeles Times ran an obituary today on Earl Butz, the Secretary of Agriculture under Yorba Linda boy Richard Nixon. Per the obit, “He was forced to resign his Cabinet post in October 1976 after telling an obscene joke that was derogatory to blacks.” The Times, in its ever-genteel ways, didn't even bother to hint at Butz's crack, but we at the Weekly give it to you in its entirety after the jump!
Per my long-defunct blog, via Daily Rotten:
Oct 4 1976
Earl Butz, President Gerald Ford's Secretary of Agriculture, is forced to resign after newspapers print a comment he made regarding race relation: “I'll tell you what the coloreds want. It's three things: first, a tight pussy; second, loose shoes; and third, a warm place to shit.”
Even the New York Times gave Butz's remarks more context in its obituary: “On a plane trip following the Republican National Convention in August, accompanied by, among others, John W. Dean 3d, the former White House counsel, Mr. Butz made a remark in which he described blacks as “coloreds” who wanted only three things — satisfying sex, loose shoes and a warm bathroom — desires that Mr. Butz listed in obscene and scatological terms.” C'mon, Spring Street: we understand ustedes can't print curse words, but at least give your readers an idea of why Butz resigned and why his remarks really weren't that different from Nixon's.