Van Tran's Sunday Bloody Sunday

On Sunday–the same day the Weekly broke news of Republican allegations that Van Tran cheated to win a California Republican Assembly endorsement, the Orange County state assemblyman who hopes to face Democrat Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez in November also found himself a centerpiece in a daily newspaper investigation.

Brian Joseph, the OC Register's Sacramento reporter, wrote an article (“How lawmakers turned a perk into profit”) demonstrating how entrenched politicians like Tran abuse taxpayers by taking as much as $137,000-a-year under the pretense that they have to work away from their homes when, in fact, they live comfortably in Sacramento.

From the Register's article summary: “Overlapping laws allow savvy California politicians to leverage their tax-free allowances to buy homes, secure tax deductions and sometimes pocket hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit.”

To win elections, Tran poses as a fiscal conservative who is determined to reduce wasteful government spending.

Read Joseph's excellent work HERE.

–R. Scott Moxley / OC Weekly

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