[UPDATED:] Yorba Linda Becomes First OC City to Back Arizona's Immigration Law

UPDATE: The Yorba Linda City Council votes 3-0 Tuesday night in favor of a resolution supporting Arizona's SB 1070.

Let us travel back in time to May 13, 1971, when President of the United States of America–and Yorba Linda favorite son–Richard Nixon was engaged in conversation with John Ehrlichman and H. R.

NIXON: I have the greatest affection for them
[blacks], but I know they're not going to make it for 500 years. They aren't. You know it, too. The Mexicans are a different cup of tea. They have a heritage. At the present time they steal, they're dishonest, but they do have some concept of family
life. They don't live like a bunch of dogs, which the negroes do live like.

EHRLICHMAN: The Mexican American is not as good as the Mexican. You go down to Mexico–they're clean, they're honest, they're moral.

NIXON: Mexico is a much more moral country.

The following was brought to you by the National Archives,
which runs the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum in Yorba Linda. The city that surrounds Dick's birthplace is poised tonight to Tuesday night became the first Orange County city to pass a resolution in support of Arizona's
controversial immigration law, SB 1070, which critics claim unfairly targets Mexicans, even the moral ones, among others.

The Orange County Register has the scoop.

Mayor John Anderson is introducing wrote and introduced the resolution, which he and council members Nancy Rikel and Mark Schwing supported.

Councilwoman Jan Horton, who had previously indicated she believed illegal immigration was not a big problem in the affluent town and that were more pressing local issues to address, left the meeting due to a
personal emergency.
Councilman Jim Winder left the dais in protest, for pretty much the same reasons Horton had ticked off.

Villa Park City Councilwoman Deborah Pauly's resolution last week to support Arizona's law was met by four no votes.

Costa Mesa earlier this month declared itself a “Rule of Law” city that does not welcome the undocumented, but Mayor Allan Mansoor, who sponsored the resolution, denied it had anything to do with what's going on in Arizona.

Santa Ana thus far remains the only was the first Orange County city to take an official stand on Arizona's law, having condemned it in a resolution last month that was sent to Congress, the White House and Arizona's governor.

Anderson said he was compelled to take the national issue local after
cities like Santa Ana and others in California passed opposition resolutions to the Arizona law,
which allows local law enforcement officers in the thorny cactus state
to ask people to produce proof they are in the country legally.

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