UPDATE: A wonderful time was had by all, according to Felicity Figueroa, a longtime activist and one of the volunteers at the event. It turns out that there are more than 36 progressives in OC–yay!
“It was great!” she told us via email. “We had about 300 people total, 46 exhibitor booths (including Librería Martínez) and 12 very different but empowering workshops; plus, both Christine Chávez and Jim Hightower gave inspiring speeches that brought the audience to its feet. To sum up: ONWARD, PROGRESSIVE ORANGE COUNTY!”
We congratulate OC's progressive community on the awesome turnout and promise to cover them next year with a week to spare, not a pinche day.
Original post, Sept. 9, 12:30 p.m.: Self-identified progressives are the
piñatas of Orange County–despised by the Know Nothings for being
liberals, looked down by the liberals for always questioning the local
Democratic Party, ridiculed by the anarchists for not being radical
enough. But they're here, and a swell lot of folks.
You can meet
all 36 of them this weekend in SanTana at the second-ever Orange County
Progressive Summit. From their mission statement:
To form a
coalition of like-minded groups in Orange County favoring or advocating a
progressive stance in politics or society. Our purpose is to share
information about our individual organizations, learn from each other,
and build a stronger progressive movement.
Yeah! Details after the jump!
It's going to be at the Delhi Center in SanTana TOMORROW, starting at 9 a.m. There'll be workshops, music, speeches, blah blah blah. Even if you're not a progressive, it's worth a visit if only to hear the always-awesome Jim Hightower, a true Texan unlike those governing goons, Dubya and Rick Perry. More details at the Orange County Progressive Summit website. See you there!