UPDATE: Aug. 8, 2011, 12:00 p.m. : So when we talked about Lucinda Williams headlining the Great Park Flights & Sounds Summer Festival on Saturday, we didn't know it was a free event. But the country music star will take the Great Park stage at 8:15 p.m. on August 13 without charging any money, so you should definitely go. Why? Because she is seriously awesome. Check out the top five songs that will turn you into a Lucinda Williams fan after the jump.
ORIGINAL POST: May 27, 2011, 12:02 p.m.: The Orange County Great Park's 2011 Flights & Sounds Summer Festival has the venerable Lucinda Williams on August 13 as a featured headlining act, which makes us way more excited than we would be about that festival normally.
The festival kicks off on August 5, with a disco party celebrating the City of Irvine's 40th Anniversary. Shotgun Wedding Quintet, Jazz Mafia, Del McCoury, Black Mahal, the Preservation Hall Jazz Band are also on the lineup. After the jump, five Lucinda Williams songs that will turn you into a fan, if you're not already.
1. “Sweet Old World” – If you've ever lost anyone to suicide, this song is instrumental to your recovery.
2. “Side of the Road” – Sweet, poignant poetry. (Incidentally, this stripped down take is my preferred version.)
3. “Car Wheels on a Gravel Road” – Here's where you see how Williams influenced Sheryl Crow.
4. “Still I Long for Your Kiss” – This version wasn't the same one used in the Robert Redford film The Horse Whisperer, but it's pretty ballsy and powerful live.
5. “Jailhouse Tears”– This duet with Elvis Costello was rated one of the best country-rock duets by Paste magazine.