Last year, as part of my “Gustavo's Awesome Lecture Series!” at the Fullerton Public Library, I was supposed to do a one-on-one with legendary Chicano muralist Emigdio Vasquez, whose murals are slowly fading away in the barrios of Orange County and from the county's memory. Unfortunately, Vasquez had to move to Arizona for health reasons, so that couldn't happen. Nevertheless, I wanted to host something showcasing Vasquez–and not only are we doing it next Wednesday, we're also going to showcase the work of his fellow legend, Sergio O'Cadiz.
Speaking on Vaquez and O'Cadiz are folks very familiar with their work. For Vasquez, Fullerton College professor Jerry Padilla will lecture on his friend's contributions to art in OC; doing the same for her father is Dr. Maria del Pilar O'Cadiz, whose day job is at UCI's Department of Education.
O'Cadiz will have slides of his father's work, while Padilla will bring along some Vasquez originals. Show starts at 6:30–see you there!