[UPDATE: Citizen Petition Now Circulating Asking for Resignation] ADL Calls for Resignation of Santa Ana Councilwoman Claudia Alvarez

Update: The Liberal OC credited us with breaking this story (gracias, Dan!) but followed through further and found a petition asking Alvarez to resign. This comes on the heels of a Facebook group asking whether Claudia should resign, which I think they'll soon answer their question in an affirmative YES!

It's being headed by resident Stephen Manning. “The council must act by removing her appointment of Mayor Pro-Tem and asking for her resignation from council,” he wrote. “The rest of the City Council has no choice but to act to correct this egregious, embarrassing behavior of their governing body.”

Where can we sign? Oh, yeah: here.

Original post, Aug. 30, 4 p.m.: Oh boy, is this going to be fun:
the Anti-Defamation League, absolute mensches when it comes to fighting
haters of all stripes (not just the Jewish kind), is now calling for
SanTana councilwoman Claudia Alvarez to resign in the wake of her stupidly invoking Hitler against a Jewish landlord in the city's downtown gentrification wars.

week, they sent her a letter asking her to apologize to developer Irv
Chase; she barely did. Because of that, they're asking for Alvarez's
resignation–again, not so much because of what she said, but rather
because she's an arrogant pendeja.

“In the letter, we asked Ms. Alvarez to make a much more sincere and personal apology to the Chase family, the Jewish community and to the Santa Ana community,” wrote ADL regional director Kevin O'Grady in a letter just sent out to reporters. “The Councilmember has not responded to our letter.
Councilmember Alvarez's unwillingness to go beyond Thursday's half-hearted apology highlights her lack of understanding about the tremendous impact of her comments. This dearth of sensitivity and judgment illustrates that Ms. Alvarez is ill-equipped to carry out her duties as a Santa Ana Councilmember.
For these reasons, ADL calls on Claudia Alvarez to resign her seat on the Santa Ana City Council.”

O'Grady is referring to Alvarez's mealy-mouthed mea culpa to television stations, reporters–basically everyone except Irv and his son, Ryan, whom she explicitly said she'd refuse to personally apologize to. REAL maturity there, Claudia!

More–much more–to come, especially after I'm finished editing one story or another…

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