UC Irvine Republicans Mock President Barack Obama's Commencement Speech

Hundreds of UC Irvine graduates sent Twitter messages today in joyous celebration of President Barack Obama's commencement address held today at Angel Stadium in Anaheim with nearly 31,000 attendees.

For example, one person–representative of many–wrote, “What an honor to have the president speak at my graduation.”

Another graduate wrote, “POTUS is pretty awesome!”

But not all UCI students are delighted with the president and his policies.

The university's libertarian Young Americans for Liberty group created a mock Obama “program schedule” for today's historic event.

Here's a copy of their posting:


The college group also mocked Obama by writing a message to today's graduates:

With the president leaving Orange County this afternoon to return on Air Force One to Palm Springs for golf, our Southern California coastal region resumes the old “Reagan Country” mold with local Republicans celebrating Flag Day at an event featuring U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) in the Hotel Irvine tonight.

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. Twitter: @RScottMoxley.

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