A Trump piñata party at Laguna Hills High School last month is currently being investigated by Saddleback Valley Unified School District. The incident, where a student and a teacher apparently took turns whacking the likeness of the president stuffed with candy, happened in late February. Footage of the fun immediately leaked online when Trump troll Arthur Schaper posted a grainy YouTube video of cell phone video on Feb. 23.
The “Film Your Marxist Professors” Facebook page posted the clip two days later, encouraging triggered Trumpers to flood Laguna Hills High with outraged calls. People commented on the post calling on two teachers to be fired. By that time, the teachers may have already faced disciplinary measures for the party–at least, that’s what a 17-year-old AP student tweeted out the same day Schaper posted video from his source.
The bat shit locos over at InfoWars picked up the story on Friday with new video showing the winning whack that broke the piñata before describing the scene as “another display of liberal tolerance.” KCBS-TV Channel 2 weighed in with a field report yesterday on the controversy.
The Weekly asked Mark Perez, a SVUSD spokesman, if teachers were, indeed, disciplined as the student’s tweet implied. He didn’t respond to our request but spoke to CBS-2. “This activity was not condoned, or approved, by the district, nor Laguna Hills High School,” Perez told the news channel. “Personnel matters are confidential, and therefore, it is our policy to not comment on situations involving employees.”
Nothing seems to trigger #MAGA trolls more than good ol’ fashioned Trump piñata parties. Last year, the OC Register fed the frenzy deeming when kids in SanTana took whacks at an effigy of the pendejo-in-chief during a May Day march “the most violent part of the demonstration.” (Reporter Jessica Kwong is now a staff writer at Newsweek showing that Mexi-bashing sure doesn’t impede career goals). The Weekly trotted out a Trump piñata of its own when the then-candidate arrived in Anaheim for a rally. A crowd of protesters joyfully ripped it to shreds; an act that became an “ISIS-inspired” beheading for KFI-AM 640 frothing mouth shock jocks John and Ken.
Maybe it’s brown people having a little fun at the president’s expense that’s really offensive. Have y’all even seen what our primos in Mexico do to effigies of Judas (and now Trump!) during Easter-time?

Gabriel San Román is from Anacrime. He’s a journalist, subversive historian and the tallest Mexican in OC. He also once stood falsely accused of writing articles on Turkish politics in exchange for free food from DönerG’s!