Trendzilla: Lingerie for Valentine's Day

Lovers can be godawful at picking up suggestions. But leaving an OC Weekly on the dining table, one turned to a page with a luscious woman on it (wait . . . I thought that was every page?) could boost your chances at scoring a lovely gift from your Valentine. Below are some first-rate lingerie makers from around the globe that sew bralettes, undies and babydolls by hand.

As for partners reading this: If you can't decide on a style, defer to the best friend. For a proper fit, measure her best-fitting clothes while she's in the shower. Trust us, Victoria's Secret is boooring.

This Australian brand is bondage-inspired but still soft and feminine. Straps cut across the body while still giving the allure of being covered up. Hopeless is definitely not for super-girly partners, but anyone with a tomboy side or interest in the occult will love these.

These kickers are not as sexual as they are romantic. The Canadian company makes its pieces from cashmere and merino wool, and as I've pointed out before, cashmere on your butt is pure luxury. Partners who enjoy dressing up in costume will appreciate Sartoria, as it seems to be lingerie from a different time.

Here's something for the cutesy lover. This Texas maker sews organic bralettes and undies with little filigree embellishments in pastel colors—just freaking adorable.

Here's a return to classic lingerie with vintage-inspired corsets and lots of ruffles. The New York company designs for elegant, refined women. You'll find pieces perfect for full-on dress up, as well as some toned-down basics, but Angela's retro robes are where it's at, and a lacy robe can be just as sexy as a garter belt.

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