Travis Dewayne Batten Jr., Serial Rapist and Ex-Mechanic, Gets 107 Years to Life in Prison

A judge Friday sentenced a former Fletcher Jones Motorcars mechanic to 107 years to life in prison, not for forgetting to put the paper floor mats down in Her Honor's C300 sedan but for being convicted by a jury last month of raping an Irvine woman twice and also trying to rape a Newport Beach woman.


Travis Dewayne Batten Jr., Former Auto Mechanic, Guilty of Rape and Attempted Rape

“You took from these victims something incredibly sacred to them, their right to be safe in their own home,” Orange County Superior Court Judge Sheila Hanson said while sentencing Travis Dewayne Batten Jr., 32, of Irvine, who she added carried out his attacks with “planning, sophistication and professionalism” and who poses “an immense danger to the community.”

Defense attorney Peter Schlueter objected to Hanson's sentence that has his client serving his punishment on each count consecutively rather than concurrently, according to Paul Anderson's City News Service report. Batten had been found guilty of two counts of rape and one count each of kidnapping to commit rape, assault with intent to commit rape, digital penetration, sodomy and assault with intent to commit rape during a residential burglary. Jurors also found true sentencing enhancements for committing sexual offenses during a burglary and tying up or binding a person.

Judge Hanson disagreed with the objection and also ordered Batten to register as a sex offender for life.

Police had found videos on Batten's computer that showed he stalked his prey and studied their movements and surroundings before each attack, which included a third victim who moved from Irvine back to Japan and was therefore not a part of the criminal accounts against the sicko.



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