Tom Morello Closes Out 'Orchid' Comic Book Series With a Saturday Signing in Anaheim!

Rage Against the Machine guitarist Tom Morello has been busy penning his Dark Horse Comics series Orchid since it debuted at San Diego Comic Con in July 2011. The twelve-issue run that centered on a dystopian theme described at the onset as “Lord of the Rings meets Battle of Algiers” comes to a close, but not before the rebel rocker visits Beach Ball Comics in Anaheim for a signing event!


Morello, who will be joined by Orchid illustrator Scott Hepburn, has also recorded a score for the series. Beach Ball Comics tells the Weekly that rebel rocker isn't bringing a guitar with him to Anaheim on Saturday, though, just a signing pen. Either way, the soundtrack to Orchid will be playing at the store and the event is going to kick ass all the same!

The weekend event will be a nice boost for the comic book store which suffered a break-in Tuesday with key, distinctive comics stolen from a display case.
Anaheim police
have apprehended a suspect and all but five comic books
have since been recovered.

In addition to the signing itself, Beach Ball Comics is also offering guaranteed backstage passes to a private after party with Morello and Hepburn for the first twenty people in line. Starting at 3 p.m., thirty other lucky fans will win the rest via raffle, so get there early!  For everyone else, the two-hour signing itself is free and open to the public.

Orchid Signing and Wrap party with Tom Morello and Scott Hepburn at Beach Ball Comics, 3024 W Ball Rd Ste G, Anaheim. (714) 826-6127; Sat., 5-7 p.m. Free!

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