BAD: There aren't enough Salvadoran restaurants in Orange County, and that one of the few and longest-standing has closed down means Salvis are probably leaving their traditional OC homeland of SanTana for greener, more assimilated pastures. Pupusódromo didn't serve the best pupusas, but did serve shrimp versions (the only place you could find those crispy discs in la naranja) and a good turkey sandwich. It will be missed.
GOOD: Replacing Pupusódromo will be a restaurant specializing in tortas ahogadas, the regional specialty from Guadalajara that finds a torta drowned in viciously hot salsa and raw white onions. Not nearly enough places sell tortas ahogadas, and I hope the new restaurant will also sell other Jaliscan dishes like tejuino. No word yet on its opening.
HUH?: SanTana is the county's main home for Mexis from Mexico City, Michoacán, Guerrero, Oaxaca, and the Yucatan (among other states), but historically hasn't drawn immigrants from Jalisco. This new restaurant makes more sense in Anaheim or Orange, but whatever: bring on the tortas ahogadas!