Whoever thought Bob Dylan’s lyrics could inspire radical student saboteurs? That’s exactly what happened in late 1969 when Bernardine Dohrn and others split from Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) to start the Weather Underground named after a line in Dylan’s “Subterranean Homesick Blues.” An Academy award-nominated 2002 documentary by the same name retells the tale of Dohrn, Bill Ayers, Mark Rudd's left-wing capers as they and others sought to bring the Vietnam War home. The film screens at Hibbleton Gallery's “Recontextualizing Terrorism” February film series, and towards the end Rudd ruminates about what is to be done when overwhelmed by injustice. It’s a question that haunted him during his time as part of the Weather Underground, and it’s a question that will haunt viewers, too, when the credits roll at the end.
Wed., Feb. 25, 8 p.m., 2015

Gabriel San Román is from Anacrime. He’s a journalist, subversive historian and the tallest Mexican in OC. He also once stood falsely accused of writing articles on Turkish politics in exchange for free food from DönerG’s!