There probably isn't a children's book out there with the same cult following as Jon Scieszka’s The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales, a sardonic twist on the most beloved fairy tales of all time. Each story within Scieszka’s volume takes on a hilariously absurd detour through classics like The Gingerbread Man, The Princess and the Pea, The Tortoise and the Hare and The Ugly Duckling, all illustrated in a striking cut-and-paste method by artist Lane Smith. South Coast Repertory's John Glore adapted the book into a fun new musical that features the same fourth-wall-busting insanity fans know and love, complete with that zany Stinky Cheese Man running amok, chickens singing out of turn and characters bursting into song. This show is meant for children of all ages, but nostalgic parents will get a kick out of it, too.
Fridays, 7 p.m.; Saturdays, Sundays, 4:30 p.m. Starts: May 23. Continues through June 8, 2014
Aimee Murillo is calendar editor and frequently covers film and previously contributed to the OCW’s long-running fashion column, Trendzilla. Don’t ask her what her favorite movie is unless you want to hear her lengthy defense of Showgirls.