Next Saturday, April 1 will be the one-year anniversary of the Minuteman Project, the organization started by Aliso Viejo resident and capitalism-hater Jim Gilchrist. Don't know what Gilchrist plans for festivities–maybe some taquitos?–but he'll probably be at a protest somewhere. But neither Gilchrist nor any of his tribe attended a scheduled March 11 protest outside the Mexican Consulate in SanTana. Why? According to the Minuteman blog, the protest was fake. “What a great sight!” Gilchrist wrote on March 12. “Yesterday, a racist and his communist Atzlander friends showed up late for the Minuteman rally in Fullerton. I guess they weren't too happy about sitting at the Santa Ana Mexican Consulate in the rain by themselves waiting for our rally there (a false announcement had been sent out earlier in the week), so when they arrived in Fullerton, they tried to hassle our ralliers.”
If it was indeed a fake, it was elaborate: the Minuteman went through the proper channels to apply for a permit, , as posted on OC Blog. Even SanTana's finest were fooled: they told counter-protestors that the Minuteman had cancelled. And not just cops and city officials: some Minutemen and their supporters drove by, only to be scared off by 20 or so young Latinos armed with guitars.
The likelier explanation is that Gilchrist and the Minutemen whimped out. Patrolling the border with la migra ready to save your ass is one thing; trying to rally in the most-Latino city in America is quite another.
By the way, Jim: that “fake” protest you set up must've cost SanTana taxpayers something. After all, the chicos in blue came out with cars, motorcycles and even a sextet of riot horses only to do nothing. Gonna foot the bill, or blame it on the Mexicans?