So a bunch of gays got married today, and the Christian Right is livid (but where was Fred Phelps when you needed him?). Providing a much-needed coda for today was none other than the legendary Chuck Smith, founder of the Calvary Chapel movement (shown here in another fabulous shirt). He was just on KCAL-TV Channel 9 saying it's wrong for gays to marry (although he wasn't opposed to unions–maybe now he's for domestic partnerships?). The funniest part about his homophobic rant? Smith was spouting off while wearing a Hawaiian shirt and a lei. And now, we turn it over to Homer Simpson talking about Bart wearing such a shirt:
Homer: Marge, the boy was wearing a Hawaiian shirt.
Marge: So?
Homer: There's only two kind of guys who wear those shirts: gay guys and
big, fat party animals. [sad] And Bart doesn't look like a big,
fat party animal to me…
Marge: So, if you wore a Hawaiian shirt, it wouldn't be gay?
Homer: Right. Thank you.
We know which way you swing, Chuck–DIVINE!