A teen girl's report about being bound with her shoelaces, threatened with a knife and choked by two Latinos with gang tattoos at a Costa Mesa city park Saturday night is false, police announced this morning.
will be requesting a petition filed through the juvenile court system
requesting charges for filing a false police report against the 17-year-old girl,” reads a statement from the Costa Mesa Police Department.
The girl told police Sunday morning that she had been approached and assaulted by two unknown men in Tewinkle Park around 9:30 the night before. She said she'd taken a bus from Santa Ana to Costa Mesa, got off near Orange Coast College and decided to “hang out” alone in the park at 970 Arlington Dr. before walking to her home on 19th Street.
She said that as she began to leave the park, two Hispanic men–both about 20 and baring “gang-type tattoos”–walked up to her, grabbed her, pulled her hair and drug her through
the park near some picnic tables, where they then tied her hands and
feet with her own shoelaces. The girl then claimed she was threatened with a knife and physically choked as she tried to scream for help. She said she eventually managed to break free and was able to reach home safely when another unknown person chased her attackers away.
The police statement says the girl was “adamant about what had occurred,” despite Costa Mesa Police Juvenile Crime detectives pointing out inconsistencies with her story, “which could not be corroborated by physical evidence.” Then, in follow-up interviews with the girl and her mother, detectives learned the entire story was “fabricated” because the teen had been out late and at a place she was not supposed to be.
As the statement put it, the girl “did not want to get into trouble with her
She's in a lot more trouble now.

OC Weekly Editor-in-Chief Matt Coker has been engaging, enraging and entertaining readers of newspapers, magazines and websites for decades. He spent the first 13 years of his career in journalism at daily newspapers before “graduating” to OC Weekly in 1995 as the alternative newsweekly’s first calendar editor.