Teabagging Chuck DeVore

Assemblyman Chuck DeVore (R-Irvine), who's in the middle of a longshot bid to become your U.S. senator, is cooing about his impending endorsement Sunday from the Tea Party Express, the national conservative movement that helped sweep Scott Brown to Ted Kennedy's former Senate seat in

Guess ol' Chuckie's not put off by the shit coming out lately showing a
majority of teabaggers are racist, uninformed and believe Barack Obama
is a socialist Muslim one worlder–while sizable numbers of TBs do not think
the president was born in the U.S., consider him ineligible to hold the highest office in the land and believe he may be the Anti-Christ.

(Scott Pasch gives an enlightening run down of the two polls that produced those findings here, and he uses the new nickname for these conservative whack jobs that's sweeping a great nation: hatriots.)

DeVore gets the Tea Party Express nod Saturday at a Nevada rally headlined by Alaska's ex-governor Sarah
and “Joe the Plumber,” Samuel J. Wurzelbacher, reports the Los Angeles Times.

It's the group's first endorsement in the 2010 primary
election cycle, reports the Times, which quotes DeVote saying it “sends a signal to primary voters that I'm not the business-as-usual, establishment candidate.”

Does it also show DeVore's views are in lines with the wingnut brigade?

John Avalon's new book, Wingnuts: How the Lunatic Fringe Is Hijacking America, seemed like a good jumping off point for the national, nonpartisan Harris Poll to see how thoroughly anti-Obama views are infiltrating the American psyche.

Among everyone polled, the results were disturbing:

  • 40% of adults believe he is a
  • More than 30% think he wants to take away Americans' right to
    own guns and that he is a Muslim.
  • More than 25% believe he wants to turn
    over the sovereignty of the United States to a world government, has
    done many things that are unconstitutional, that he resents America's
    heritage, and that he does what Wall Street tells him to do.

As you can imagine, those numbers jump up significantly when Republicans are isolated, which majorities believing Obama:

  • is a socialist (67%);
  • wants to take away Americans' right to own guns (61%);
  • is a Muslim (57%);
  • wants to turn over the sovereignty of the United States to a one-world government (51%).

Meanwhile, large numbers believe he:

  • resents America's heritage (47%);
  • does what Wall Street and the bankers tell him to do (40%);
  • was not born in the United States and so is not eligible to be
    president (45%);
  • is the “domestic enemy that the U.S. Constitution speaks of” (45%);
  • is a racist (42%);
  • wants to use an economic collapse or terrorist attack as an excuse to
    take dictatorial powers (41%);
  • is doing many of the things that Adolf Hitler did (38%).

A whopping 24% of the wingnuts who live among us believe Obama may be the Anti-Christ.
Speaking of not being business-as-usual establishment, that leftist rag Forbes recently carried an article titled “Misinformed Tea Party Movement” by conservative author and commentator David Frum and economic historian Bruce Bartlett, who worked as an advisor to
President Ronald Reagan and in Bush 41's Treasury Department.

They report on a poll of there own where 300 or so teabaggers were asked about the rate in which they are taxed, a family making $50,000 a year is taxed and the percentage of the gross domestic product the federal government gets in taxes.

What the teabaggers believed was totally divorced from reality. The poll showed the average answer from teabaggers on the GDP question was 42%. Actually, it's 14.8%, the highest it's ever been was 20.9% in 1944, and the highest it's ever been since the 1970s was 20.6% in 2000.

They believed a family making
$50,000 per year has a tax burden of between 20% and 25% of income. Actually, for those with adjusted gross incomes
between $40,000 and $50,000, the average federal income tax burden of
just 1.7%. Those with adjusted gross incomes between $50,000 and
$75,000 have an average burden of 4.2%.

The article shows more than
two-thirds of the group think taxes have gone up since Obama got into
office. Actually, they went down $322 billion. It's totally lost on them that the despised stimulus bill included 40%
in tax cuts.

It's small wonder Fox News dittoheads keep spreading so much misinformation about health-care reform–let alone that Frum has also written he fears a Republican Party takeover by the lunatic fringe.

Well, at least they have another Senate candidate.

In other DeVore-ium, the Senate candidate has been hosting these “Pizza with Chuck” dinners where people join him for an evening discussion via the phone or an Internet connection. The next one is 7 p.m. Monday with conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart.

“We look forward to discussing the Constitution of our great country and
how we can repeal the health-care bill with you,” informs DeVore.

Make sure to sharpen your Crayons, kids.

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