Most of the material for this column happens in tiny towns across America, so it's always a pleasure to report on bizarre Taco Bell crimes in our backyard–like the case of a guy who…well, let's let the Orange County Register take this one after the jump!
From the Reg, and you know the crime is bizarre when a man who served under disgraced, felonious ex-sheriff Mike Carona calls something “weird”:
Police are looking for a man who drove up to several fast food restaurants across the county, displayed a black handgun to employees at drive-through windows, but did not rob any of the businesses, authorities said.
The man didn't take any cash or any food, and didn't say a word in any of the incidents, which were reported in at least five cities within a four-hour span Tuesday evening, said Jim Amormino, spokesman for the Orange County Sheriff's Department.
“He didn't even make an attempt to rob anybody,” Amormino said. “That behavior is really weird.”