It's terrible being a Taco Bell employee, at least on the lower rungs. Not only do you have to deal with cheapskates, with stoners, with high schoolers, but you also run the risk of getting mauled by a police dog during your cigarette break.
The story from–where else?–Florida:
Jennifer McCarthy was working as an assistant manager at the Taco
Bell on International Speedway Boulevard the April 2010 night the dog
bit her. The now 27-year-old Edgewater woman went outside about 9 p.m.,
walked to the back of restaurant and sat on a curb to smoke, according
to a memo from City Attorney Marie Hartman.
Not long before McCarthy began her break, police say a man accused of
stealing from the Target store down the road bailed out of a stolen
vehicle behind Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwiches on International Speedway
Officer Michael Oteri and his K-9, Izak, went to the sandwich shop
and started looking for the suspect in the area. The dog kept leading
the officer to the east, pulling into the parking lot of the Travelodge
motel and behind Pep Boys automotive shop.
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