Surf is up—waaaay up—today through Sunday, according to the National Weather Service.
The agency released a coastal hazard message for that period, when high temperatures that send big crowds to Orange County beaches will be met by an escalating south Pacific swell.
“A long period south swell will bring elevated surf and dangerous rip currents to south and southwest facing beaches,” the NWS says. “A southerly swell of 3- to 4-feet with a period of around 17 seconds is expected.
“This will bring elevated surf, peaking around 6-feet on Friday and Saturday on southwest facing beaches. Rip currents will be strong, with long-shore currents occurring in some locations.”
Be careful, surfer dudes.
OC Weekly Editor-in-Chief Matt Coker has been engaging, enraging and entertaining readers of newspapers, magazines and websites for decades. He spent the first 13 years of his career in journalism at daily newspapers before “graduating” to OC Weekly in 1995 as the alternative newsweekly’s first calendar editor.