Street Spirit at Malone's, Santa Ana, TODAY

Talk about a crazy dye job. It's times like these where you can appreciate Photoshop's power to turn sexy, androgynous models into Smurf-colored aliens. Just don't expect the music of Santa Ana's rowdy, post-punk five-piece Street Spirit to sound anything like their flier. No synths or 80s retro-ness. Just atonal stabs of distorted guitar, youthful angst and a slice or two of progressive rock prowess. 

Splitting time between OC and West Los Angeles, the band (who also shares the name of a great Radiohead song) continues to work the dark, drunken haunts of the local music scene with a, ah, spirited live show.  Will it rock you hard enough to turn your hair purple? Maybe. 
We know it's short notice, but we suggest you try to make it out to Malone's–one of Santa Ana's endearingly crappy dive bars–for tonight's gig.

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