If you weren't reading this article, would you have even noticed that certain Starbucks drinks will have cost 10 more cents this week than last week?
The price of some beverages at the coffee giant will see an increase effective tomorrow, June 25, the first price change in about two years. It will represent about a one percent increase nationally in an average Starbucks beverage purchase price.
A spokesman for the company said that less than a third of beverages will be affected by the price hikes. “In most stores, the price of a Grande or Venti brewed coffee, as well as Frappuccino and Refreshers, will remain the same,” she said.
The most you'll see is only about a 10 cent increase for a tall brewed coffee, but like I said, would you have even noticed?
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Before becoming an award-winning restaurant critic for OC Weekly in 2007, Edwin Goei went by the alias “elmomonster” on his blog Monster Munching, in which he once wrote a whole review in haiku.