Sign Petition to Exonerate Kenneth Clair, On Death Row Despite Exculpatory DNA

Just before Thanksgiving, our R. Scott Moxley published an explosive cover story detailing the saga of Kenneth Clair, a Santa Ana man on Death Row for the murder of a women in 1984 despite there being no physical evidence to tie him to the scene, despite the one eyewitness to the murder describing his mother’s assailant as white (Clair is black) and despite OC DA Tony Rackauckas knowing that DNA found on the victim’s body does not belong to Clair. The man who has beat the drum for Clair longer than anyone is C.J. Ford, a private detective in Anaheim who has long fought the good fight for OC’s damned

Shortly after, Ford started a petition asking that Rackauckas turn over the identity of the DNA to Clair’s defense team. It lingered on for a couple of weeks until a Christmas miracle happened: the petition has gone viral. As of this writing, it’s just about to pass 147,000 signatures, and should top its next benchmark of 150,000 within the day.

In a Dec. 20 posting, Ford made the time to thank two people in particular in the fight to get Clair free—OC public defender Scott Sanders and our own Moxley. 

Moxley is a ‘bull dog’ in the fight for Kenneth Clair and other individuals that have suffered at the hands of Mr. Rackauckas and his office. Moxley is one of the best ‘investigative reporters in the industry, and I am attaching the link you really need to read which launched this movement for Justice of Mr. Clair. Please Read Moxley’s Investigative News Story, and send Moxley some comments after you read his article. Now I thank Sanders and Moxley because without them, I would not have been able to launch this petition that all you, “the supporters” have responded to. 

(Tellingly, a local, lame blog did not bother to offer a link to Scott’s original story despite, you know, Ford giving Mox mad props).

Continue the spirit of Christmas and sign the petition to help out Clair’s cause. And remember: If you don’t, then you’re one big, ugly Tony Rack lover.

What are you still doing reading this story? Again: Continue the spirit of Christmas and sign the petition to help out Clair’s cause. And remember: If you don’t, then you’re one big, ugly Susan Kang Schroeder lover—BOOM

2 Replies to “Sign Petition to Exonerate Kenneth Clair, On Death Row Despite Exculpatory DNA”

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