Searching for Elliott Smith, a documentary made by LA Cityview reporter Gil Reyes, explores the compelling life and death of the indie songwriter with the lonesome warble. Though the film focuses primarily on Smith's career, from Portland grunge band Heatmiser to his Academy Award nomination, Smith's sudden and bizarre demise is also examined. Featuring revealing interviews with folks ranging from former roommate Sean Croghan to director Gus Van Sant, the flick offers interesting glimmers on that afternoon in 2003 when Smith took a knife to the chest. Fans of Smith (and conspiracy buffs) will want to watch the interviews Reyes managed to snag with Smith's live-in girlfriend Jennifer Chiba. Some, including the Los Angeles Department of Coroner, have expressed ambivalent feelings toward her. Be sure to stick around after the showing for a Q&A with Reyes.
Fri., April 6, 10 p.m., 2012