'Scott Pilgrim vs. The World:' Top Seven Quotes and a Remix or Two or Three (Warning: Possible Spoiler Alert)

If you're a gamer, read comics, have ever fallen in love, played Street Fighter, listened to Grunge or been bi-furious, be warned: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is the kind of movie that will have you annoying your friends as you walk out of the theater, repeatedly quoting the dialog they just heard.


To help in that endeavor, I have raided the IMDB vaults yet again and present what I consider to be the Top 7 quotes from the film. If you remember some not listed–impress us all and drop us a reminder in the comments. 
1) Kim Pine: “Scott, if your life had a face, I would punch it.”
2) Ramona V. Flowers: “We all have baggage.” 
    Scott Pilgrim: “Yeah well, my baggage doesn't try and kill me every five minutes.”
3) Roxy Richter: “You punched me in the boob! Prepare to die obviously!”
4) Wallace Wells: “If you want something bad, you have to fight for it. Step up your game,  Scott. Break out the L-word.” 
    Scott Pilgrim: “Lesbian?” 
    Wallace Wells: “The other L-word.” 
    Scott Pilgrim: “..Lesbians?”
5) Wallace Wells: “Ok, you may have just seen a dude's junk. And he is very sorry.”
6) Todd Ingram: “Talk to the cleaning lady on Monday. Because you'll be dust by Monday.   Because you'll be pulverized in two seconds. The cleaning lady? She cleans up… dust. She dusts.”
7) Gideon Gordon Graves: You made me swallow my gum! That's going to be in my digestive tract for seven years! 

The following remixes of the film's trailer wickedly capture the WTF? atmosphere of the film far better than the standard promo and serve to remind us of just why we loved the damn thing so much.
A good one can change your whole outlook on the film, opening your eyes to the themes you weren't even aware of when you were watching it.
This one gave me a chuckle:

This one focuses on sad, dream-like parts of the film, with a touch of unsettling stalker/ creepiness thrown in:

And this final one does the impossible and makes Michael Cera look like a no-nonsense bad-ass:


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