Mere hours after the Weekly's story regarding the tale of two Minuteman Project Adopt-a-Highway signs hit the streets, a federal judge ordered Caltrans to restore the one on Interstate 5 near the San Onofre immigration checkpoint sponsored by the San Diego Minutemen. In a misleading email sent out last night (“misleading” only because the subject line read ” My heartfelt thanks go out to you!” and I thought it was about me, but in reality it was a mass e-mail), San Diego Minutemen founder Jeff Schwilk thanked supporters. “Thanks to great patriots like yourself from all around the nation,” he wrote, “we have had the backing we needed to take on the powerful illegal alien lobby, the Latino Caucus, and the state of California which has bowed to the pressures of those who want open borders and special rights for illegal immigrants.”
Congrats, San Diego Minutemen, but like we wrote before: you folks are plumb loco. Nevertheless, if ustedes find further censorship, we'll be there flying your freak flag for the First Amendment.
Illustration by James McHugh