Rule No. 16 to Make a DUI Arrest Worse

Don't try to pretend you are your brother to a police officer.

–Twice during a three-month period in 2002 Orange County's speed demon Jamie Yang drove recklessly and under the influence of alcohol, and twice he pretended to police officers that his name was Song Chin Yang, which is his brother's name. 
The result? 

Well, it didn't make things easier for Jamie. According to court files, an April 2009 jury convicted him of three felonies and three misdemeanors, including two false impersonations counts. We're trying to find out why the case took so long to get to trial. But the wait didn't make anyone forgot the crimes. After a jury trial, he was sentenced to more than three years in state prison. 

Jamie appealed his convictions, claiming the two separate instances of impersonating his brother should have been treated as one criminal act. His objective? To reduce his sentence.
But this month a California Court of Appeal dismissed Jamie's complaints.
–R. Scott Moxley / OC Weekly

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