Wacky Snacks: Mother's Finger

Name: Mother's Finger

Origin: Korea

Found at: Freshia Market, Tustin

Cost: A 75g sack costs $2.99 here, ₩2500 (about $2.19) in Korea

Rice grtis [sic], blueberry chocolate (sugar, vegetable fat, whey powder, whole milk powder, blueberry concentrate powder, soy bean), vegetable fat, cellulose, marine algae calcium.


Tasting Notes:

I finally opened the bag after making all the required jokes (“Which finger is it?” “This one!”) and turned them out into a bowl. They looked
like Styrofoam™ Cheetos™ with a disturbingly-lavender stripe of
chocolate candy on one side. Actually, they looked like dipped silkworms, but that description is cheating because Edwin talked about maggots last week.

It will probably come as no
surprise, then, that they tasted a lot like Styrofoam™ Cheetos™ with a
disturbingly-lavender stripe of chocolate candy on one side. I can't say if they tasted like dipped silkworms because I've never had silkworms, dipped or not.

was stunned, however, that after eating a couple and saying, “What is
this and why would anyone buy it?” I found myself going back to the
bowl for more. The slightly waxy purple candy substance really does grow on you, once you get past the whole visual “these are supposed to taste savory and cheesy!” problem. (The preceding, incidentally, is not a sentence I ever envisioned writing when I started this whole blogging lark.)

Would I buy this Mother's Finger again? No. There are other, tastier-looking Mother's Fingers out there. I will say this about this
week's snack, though: unlike Cheetos™, they are a tidy thing to eat. When you're done with
your Mother's Finger, there's no residue in the bottom of your sack.

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